Sunday, June 16, 2019

The New Era (1920s) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The New Era (1920s) - Essay ExampleSince, traders normally competed to give the best despite the absence of antitrust laws. This yielded to the creation of employment particularly among those who belonged to the minusculeer classes. Technological advancements especially in the second wave of Industrial Revolution, which encompassed of mass line production of the automobiles, also had a great impact on the economys prosperity. This knowhow transformed the natives lives excessively making respective(a) activities run faster. For illustration, in transport sector where both the mobility of merchandise and people increased, hence sensitive down production costs besides saving time. People working in various corporations were able to commute from their diverse declares regions to towns with ease and fast. Because many workers owe to automobiles line mass production and low cost involved in the process, were able to afford cars. Moreover, automobiles knowhow also boosted the agricult ural sector, which supported the states population. This was due to the increasing utilization of tractors and other machinery to heighten the farmers productivity thus enabling the population to eat right. Large and stable corporations owing to the low cost of production were then able to offer decent salaries and wages ($5 per day) to their staffs thus uplifting their lifestyles. on that pointfore, workers were able to afford numerous luxuries coupled with vacation vacations, which they had yearned for especially after WW1. This trend prompted other corporations to emulate the same and yielded to the heightening of the peoples living standards besides the state enjoying high revenue. Additionally, the emergence of electricity and its related products corporations also contributed to the states economic prosperity. This is because the erection of the first electric plant resulted to the easing of transportation besides its utilization in diverse areas like corporations, homes and offices. For instance, the expansion and growth of mass entertainment was due to the emergence of electric power, which gave rise to night recreation and nightlife. This yielded to more revenue to the state besides numerous industries turning to a twenty-four hours production system. Owing to the pre-wired houses that were cheap then, electronic related companies also benefited from high demand for their appliances. Since, the availability of electricity in their houses prompted appliances like refrigerators, coolers, vacuums and other power-depended machines become useful. Eruption of numerous corporations also offered employment to numerous people like those dealt with steel, chemical, rubber, glass, and paint. Consequently, this stabilized the states economic base apart from those of its natives foreign to the prior years. Did affluence reach all classes? Despite the flourishing US economy in 1920s, not all classes enjoyed its benefits owing to racial discrimination, which took the center stage. There was unequal income increment rates where the Blacks salaries were the lowest compared to their whites counterparts (though increasing at a low rate). Racism also characterized job posts where allocation despite US jactitation of economic prosperity, some races could not assume top positions in diverse corporations. As a result, this led to the agitation of civil rights especially when the

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