Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Importance of Information Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Importance of Information Management - Essay ExampleThis is important in that it would assist the counseling plan on weaken ways of servicing its client. This supports the arguments form the paper that states that information perplexity forms the radix for improving the students satisfaction and learning experience. Information is the only way through which management or the administration can interact with the students. I in any case realized that a channel linking the academic staff and the teaching staff or the teacher and the student is very important. Consequently, there must be a channel that should link them. It is clear that information presented in the paper support the claims made by Erlanger (2005)that states that knowledge management or information management impacts on innovation and organizational performance directly and indirectly (through an increase on innovation capability). This is because the encyclopaedism of the right information from the clients, for thi s case, students would enable the management or the school administration to plan for the best strategies to adopt towards improving the performance of the students (Levy, 2003). Information management provides the basis for improving the performance of the employees. Based on the discussion from the paper, it is clear that in school setting, the performance of the teachers can be enhanced through course social unit military rating. Course unit evaluation is where the students fill a form that targets at exploring whether the teacher or the tutor is doing as expected. The paper reveals that although the course unit evaluation is important, most people especially the students take it lightly and hence fail delivering comprehensive information to the academic staff. This would prevent the staff from coming up with leave intervention measures. The paper affirms that it is possible to resolve this by imposing a forceful feedback into the system. This would make the student take the is sue seriously. The time for evaluation is also very important. It is undisputable that if the evaluation is done at the end of the course, then the respondent, or rather the students may not benefit because the kind of changes that would be pick out would be possibly implemented in the next session. Because of this, it is true that appropriate and effective evaluation should be carried out in the middle of the course (Babcock, 2004). allow for and effective information management provides the basis for improving the performance of the client. Grading, for example, is an example in which this point becomes relevant. It is clear that grading is a means through which the management can meet the students needs. Just as the paper puts it, it is true that appropriate grading system should be able to motivate the student and not simply to give them fall guy. The paper affirms that comments are imperative because it offers detailed, personalized feedback that would help in measuring pro gress towards strategic targets (Kanyengo, 2009). Additionally, the paper gives an insight of significance of using the online quizzes and training tasks on blackboard. I wholly support this fact because adoption of online quizzes and homework task on blackboard would be time-consuming and also it allows provision of grade or a few generic statements of feedback. A study that was done by Liu & Cavanaugh (2011) reveals that teachers comments and feedback on the students assignments as well as teacher-student interaction are very

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