Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The communicative relationship between the doctor and patient in the Research Paper

The communicative relationship between the animate and patient in the treatment of acupuncture - Research study ExampleThe procedure of acupuncture includes the penetration of painless needles in the body of the patient. It is used for the treatment of various problems which includes infertility, prevention of various diseases and their treatment itself, improvement of worldwide health and it is also used for the treatment of therapeutic issues. In acupuncture, the needles are penetrated at certain points that differ from the traditional ones and in whatsoever cases electric certain is induced in needles that are already inserted in the acupuncture places. (Gabrielle, 2003) Relationship between Acupuncture Doctor and Patient The relationship between acupuncture doctor and patient is important throughout the period of diagnosis as well as the treatment therefore it is very important for the doctor to know the deal and detailed history of the patient so that he can pursue with th e treatment accordingly. The doctor should maintain such a relationship that the patient feels flourishing in his presence and is also able to voice out his fears and doubts if there are any. Since acupuncture is a complex treatment and dates back to almost 5,000 years, some patients coming in for this treatment have their doubts as far as the procedure is concerned.

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