Saturday, June 1, 2019

A Man?s Vision Of Love: :: essays research papers fc

A Mans Vision of LoveAn query of William Broyles Jr.s Esquire Article why Men Love WarMen love war because it allows them to look serious. Because they imagine it is the one thing that lettuce women laughing at them. In it they can reduce women to the status of objects. This is the great distinction between the sexes. Men see objects, women see the relationship between objects. Whether the objects shoot each other, love each other, match each other. It is an extra dimension of feeling we men are without and one that makes war abhorrent to all strong women - and absurd. I will tell you what war is. War is a psychosis caused by an inability to see relationships. Our relationship with our fellow men. Our relationship with out economic and diachronic situation. And above all our relationship to nonhingness. To death.John Fowles in The MagusA Mans Vision of LoveAn Examination of William Broyles Jr.s Esquire Article Why Men Love WarThe item that war is both beautiful as well as nau seating is a great ambiguity for men. In his article for Esquire magazine in 1985 William Broyles Jr attempts to articulate this ambiguity while being rather unclear himself. On the one hand Broyles says that men do not long for the classic male experience of going to war, while on the other hand he says that men who return know that they have delved into an domain of a function of their soul which most men are never able to. Broyles says that men love war for many reasons some obvious and some obviously disturbing. some(prenominal) books support this notion while few stray far from the admission of love. I believe that most sources indicate that men do in fact love war in a general masculine path. I also believe that the sources that do not admit to this love of war do not because of the authors unique, face-to-face experience with wars most severe atrocities. I feel that the sources, while few in compute can faithfully account for the average soldier in any war in the twentiet h century, which Broyles applies his argument to.Stories of combat provide a way of coping with a fundamental tension of war although the act of killing another person in battle may invoke a moving ridge of nauseous distress, it may also incite intense feelings of pleasure. William Broyles was one of many combat soldiers who articulated this ambiguity.

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