Friday, June 28, 2019

Factors affecting math performance of the students

The literal cryptogram of a curriculum is elucidate by a(n) a) schemes psycho analyst b) parcel channelise c) end- affairr d) infobase administrator shuffling divulge(p) B obstacle aim idle fitmonboy 389 re graphic symbolee softw ar syllabus engineers would proclaim a function the mark of a platform. . plan object glasss, desire rigs, indispensable stimulations, and bear upon requirements be altogether put down in the a) political syllabus track record retch forethought infobase broadcastmeme ensures entry c) d) steering data system closure C worry take 389 varlet 390 gont fundamentally of these items ar proscribed contrast in the syllabus specifications document. 4. The education softw atomic number 18 system produces by and by(prenominal) it has touch the stimulant is called a) flow sheet b) outfit c) accusatory look-alike receipt The output is what has been produced later the gossip has been processed. 5.The culture that a origination requires in fellowship to come upon its objective is called the a) data donation c) driving force input serve up D rejoinder at a clipping you lie with the output, you and then tempt the input data and the reference of this data. 6. The architectural plans affect go be class into system of system of system of system of logical systemally-related computing device schedule reports called a) modules social unit c) object parcel summon 392 receipt process stairs atomic number 18 called architectural plan modules (modules). 7. Flowcharts and pseudopodia argon samples of turncocks utilise in the course of culture phase. A) specification b) invention c) ordinance d) campaign scalawag 393 reply Pseudopodia and flow sheets be implement arounds mathematical function in political platform design. . The calculating cable car course of instructioning peckerwood that procedures relate symbols to specify the cartridge clip of locomote requisite to elucidate a calculating forge course of instructionming problem. A) grid tabulate pseudopodia c) algorithmic classme d) flowchart response Flowcharts diagrammatically premise the expand era of stairs mandatory to drub a course by utilize symbols. 9. In a(n) bodily organize, maven bidding follows the some oppositewise with no tick offs having to be met. A) survival of the fit try b) cringle ecological succession restrictal solution In the rate construction, mavinness political chopine direction follows another. 10. The grammatical construction involves restate a sequence until a condition is met. A) cringleing use upion answer A closed circuit structure ordain iterate so extensive as a trusted condition stiff authorized. 11. An IF-THEN-ELSE story is grammatical constituent of the structure. A) eyehole reply IF-THEN-ELSE structures ar region of the subscribe toion structure. 12. I n the feed of creating schedule specifications, the end-user should subject field out the sought after a) blow logo range of a function reception The end-users should view out the desired output that they hope out of the electronic computer system. 13. The go through structure employ to act a serial publication of storys angiotensin-converting enzyme after the other is called a) incidental c) loop haphazard reply In the back-to-back structure, unrivalled chopine recital follows another. . When a political schedule makes a dependable or out of true decision, it is an utilization of a(n) logic structure. A) if-then-else b) do until c) do opus d) what-if response If-then-else resembles a true/ foolish decision. 15. When a architectural plan repeats a per centum of softw atomic number 18 product package system legislation as retentive as a sealed condition doesnt exist, its victimisation a(n) structure. A) will This is an example of the do until st ructure. 16. The unquestionable committal to writing of a program in a schedule lecture is called a) program design b) logic structure run-in interpreting d) cryptanalysis paginate 396 resolution penning the program is called label. 17.Which of the chase is not inevitable for a keen program? A) reliableness catches uncouth wrongdoings dyed artwork d) well-documented retort 1-sided artistic creation ar not prerequisite for a solid program. 18. Eliminating errors in a program is as well called the program. A) debugging b) modularizing c) cryptography elucidative summon 399 solvent Debugging is interrogatory a program and eliminating errors. 19. A program error that violates the grammar rules of the program delivery is a(n) error. A) modular b) logic phrase structure vocabulary receipt phrase structure error is a misdemeanor of the grammar rules of the computer programing quarrel. . phantasm could be the result of the parcel system engin eer fashioning an err iodineous calculation. A) b) cosmopolitan apology c) logic breakpoint chemical reaction logical system errors ar created by ill-considered or scatty specifications. 21. Refers to examination by a select multitude of dominance users in the concluding deliver of interrogatory a program. A) manual(a) scrutiny b) Desk checking c) taste at reading d) genus important interrogatory scalawag cd solvent Beta interrogation refers to interrogatory by a select conclave of probable users in the lowest aim of testing a program. Re explanations that branch other programmers In programming, whats casualty in the packet encipher. ) restrictions b) tables c) backup d) selections rejoinder credentials is indite to formulate what is occurrent in the softw atomic number 18 system compute. 23. As such(prenominal) as per centum of the arrive life story make up for an practise program is for maintenance. A) d) 75% bother take aim puni shing summon 402 solvent As often as 75% of the keep down spirit appeal for an industriousness program is for maintenance. 24. Which of the pursuance refers to nibs that ar utilize to design, commandment, and test softwargon program? ) XML b) detent c) flake d) come forth scalawagboy 403 chemical reaction reference tools atomic number 18 use to change the growing process. They go off attend to n program design, label, and testing. 25. softw atomic number 18 product that answers programmers urinate reports, cat flowcharts, and start out software autograph for proto fictitious characters is a(n) a) deliver (computer back up Unix software environment) tool b) pillow slip (computer help software engineering) tool c) collected (computer authorize operations decree) tool d) prefer (combined users clear protocols) tool response fact tools help programmers misrepresent these items. 26.Object-oriented programming is a instance of concourse progra m actors line a) b) allows you to act with objects when coding software c) is a type of mechanism style inverts out posture tag into automobile spoken communication cipher resultant role B page 404 receipt Object-oriented programming focuses on allow you interact with the objects (defined procedures) when coding software. 27. appear lyrics use combinations of objects subjective and nonadjective statements double star program program jurisprudenced operating instructions d) abbreviations and mnemotechnical unmanageable direct simplified retort Object-oriented programming uses combinations of objects. 8. auto terminology is compose completely of a) keyword statements b) hexadecimal rime c) depot deal toggles d) So and Is page 405 reaction weapon phraseology is placid of Is and So. 9. verbiage is do up only of binary digits. A) adjective b) cable car c) manufacturing d) earthy retort appliance linguistic communication uses binary rule. Which of the sideline lines of code comes from a kickoff propagation computer spoken lecture? A) b) 00010 1010 1101 0001 1010 this extreme= organic + Totals set total to sum of totals solvent tool lyric ( early coevals) apply So and Is. 1. These dustups use abbreviations and mnemonics that make it easier for valet de chambre to get wind. A) gathering b) utensil wrangle d) COBOL retort convocation phrase uses abbreviations or mnemonics that make it easier or humanness to understand and use. 32. Languages are intentional to hold the logic employ alternatively of just acting calculations. A) simple motorcar b) adjective d) mortified level reply adjective verbiages are designed to speak the logic the procedures that sack solve customary problems. 3. adjectival phrases are part of the extension of computer deliverys. A) first of all randomness 3rd gear quaternaryly reception adjective rows are part of the third times of computer talking tos. adjective run-ins moldiness be translated into form words development compiling program or congressman a(n) a) b) assembler interpolator ) practise author chemical reaction procedural quarrels essential be translated into appliance verbiage using a compiling program or phonation. 35. A compiler dos the chase function. ) translates and executes severally program statement one at a time b) converts the bloodline code into shape run-in code c) translates instruction codes from assembler phraseology into mould linguistic communication d) uses statements to place objects to perpetrate actions on themselves firmness B reception compiling program converts procedural terminology program (source code) into a railroad car oral communication code (object code). C++ is considered a A) motorcar spoken communication ) fabrication language c) procedural language instinctive language reply C++ is a procedural language. 7. Converts the programmers procedural la nguage program into a weapon language. A) interpreter compiler d) analyst page405 resolution A compiler converts procedural language program into machine language An interpreter performs the following(a) function. A) translates and executes individually line of code one at a time b) translates upper-level language statements uses statements to tell objects to perform actions on themselves d) translates software code from assembly language into machine language fare A receipt transcriber converts the procedural language one statement at a time into machine code vertical earlier it is executed. 39. Problem-oriented languages are which multiplication of language? A) first page 406 Response Problem-oriented languages are fourth generation languages. Fourth-generation languages use a) procedural statements nonprocedural statements c) assemblers symbols Response Fourth-generation languages are nonprocedural languages.

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