Thursday, April 4, 2019
Developing a plan for tourism in Jamaica
Developing a computer program for touristry in JamaicaSUSTAINABLE TOURISM set back OF CONTENTTOPIC PAGE(S)Project backgroundObjectivesLiterature reviewMethodology go by dint ofing the rationale for preparedness in the travel and touristry industryBenefits of proviso of touristry outgrowth to stakeholdersAdvantages and disvantages of public buck backstage heavens touristry planning partnershipUnderstand the different approaches to tourism planning and victimisationFeatures of tourism breeding planning at different levelsSignifi croupce of interactive planning systems and processes in tourism development contrary methods to measures tourist impactsUnderstanding the need for planning for sustainable tourismIntroduction concept of sustainability in tourism developmentFactors that may hold/hinder sustainable tourismDifferent stages in planning for sustainabilityUnderstand underway issues related to tourism development planningMethods of resolving a conflict of interest to secure the future well being of a growing tourism finisImplication of balancing put out and demandMoral and ethical issues of enclave tourismUnderstand the socio-cultural, environmental and economic impacts of tourism in create countries and rising destinationsComparison of current issues associated with tourism and development in a developing country and an emerging destination where the impacts of tourism are differentRecommendationConclusionReferencesAppendicesPROJECT BACKGROUNDTourism has been a major contri hardlyion to the Jamaican economy however tourism in Jamaica needs sustainable development. The role of this project is to give an understanding of sustainable tourism from a Jamaican framework. Sustainable tourism is tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the environment and host communities delineate by (WTO 2014).In this project a scenario was given where the ministry of tourism contracts a consultant to develop and plan tourism due to the fact that Jamaica is heading to become unsustainable. In this project you ordain have analysis, pass and solution to the tourism industry in Jamaica.The importance of this project is to give an understanding of the planning in the travel and tourism development and how it can benefit stakeholders. It is important for stakeholders to understand the tourism planning and development at different levels along with their significance. Since it is said that the Jamaican tourism is heading in an unsustainable direction, therefore it is of corking interest to know what it is of great interest to know how to become sustainable different stages and how we can prevent it. Information is shown of how important public private celestial spheres are in the tourism industry and their disadvantages. The public private sphere must understand the socio-cultural, environmental and economic impacts of tourism in Jamaica. All of these impacts are what causes the Jamaican tourism industry to be heading in an unsustainable direction so the private and public sector can partner to help mitigate these issues.OBJECTIVESThere are vanadium objectives of this project as followedTo measure the importance of planning and development in the tourism industryIdentify the benefits of planning and development to from severally one stakeholder in the tourism industryTo determine the sustainability of the Jamaica tourism and how it can be maintainedTo identify the impacts of tourism in Jamaica.LITERTURE REVIEW(WTO 2014) defined sustainable tourism as tourism that takes full account of its current and further economic, social and environmental impacts and addressing the needs to visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities. The Jamaican tourism is having failures and heading to an unsustainable foodstuff however it has some great attraction (sun, sand beach). (JTB 2014) analyzes the element of touris m products which includes accommodation, transportation, attractions and tours, dining and entertainment ( comprehensive of festivals events) and the agree service.According to (Edward 2009) tourism does not benefit the people of Jamaica because 80% of travelers expenses go to airlines, hotels and some other inter bailiwick companies and not local businesses or workers. (Edward 2009) also gave market failures of the tourism in Jamaica such as low skilled employment are provided, unplanned settlements and squatters communities that are established close to resort areas that causes solidness waste, inadequate sewage treatment, and tourism entities that are currently get ining all of the rent are also not accounting for the negative and external effect of their activities. (Ringo Martin 2013) analyze the benefits of tourism such as the gaining of foreign exchange, providing jobs (directly and indirectly), developing income and developing infrastructure.There are five reasons why the Jamaicas tourism is stated as unsustainable. (TPDCO 2014) retell the five reasons such as growth rate, warring advantage of the industry, the wider product outside the hotels is poor, the degrading of the national environment and the view of Jamaican is that the industry is not beneficial. However (JTB 2014) recommended ways to shift from unsustainable to sustainability through five objectives such as enhancing the visitors experience, growth based on sustainable market position, community based development, inclusive and industry and environmental sustainability.METHODOLOGYUNDERSTANDING THE RATIONALE FOR planning IN THETRAVEL AND TOURISM INDUSTRYBENEFITS OF PLANNING OF THE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT TO STAKEHOLDERSStakeholders are the person or group who has interest in an organization. Planning of the tourism development is putting things together actions such as infrastructure, co-operate plans etc. stakeholders involve in the planning of tourism in Jamaica are JTB, TPDCo, Minist ry of Tourism, Jampro, JHTA etc. Other stakeholders who benefit from the planning of tourism developments are the communities, visitors and non-government organizations.Ringo Martin (2014) wrote an article active how important is tourism to Jamaica, which gave ways that tourism, benefits the stakeholders of Jamaica. The planning of tourism development is beneficial to the government and its agencies because for the past eld tourism has generated the highest level of foreign exchange (approximately US$2b). Foreign exchange benefits the government, their agencies and locals indirectly. However, it is said that the government gain direct benefit from the increase of income whereas tax revenues will increase.The article also states the benefits to local Jamaicans through employments. The planning of tourism development provides jobs for communities and other local Jamaicans such as vendors etc. Statistics shows that employment through tourism provides approximately 200,000 persons di rectly and indirectly. Jobs that are provided directly are hotels, crafting, transportation, attractions and indirect are trading, bank etc. groundwork can be beneficial to not only hotels and resort but also the public facilities. groundwork has to be cleansed to accommodate tourist that are at the airport to hotels. For example the Norman Manley airdrome road has just been improved. Locals also benefit indirectly from the increasing of foreign exchange.The planning of the tourism development is also beneficial to tourist/visitors. If tourism is developed then it would attract more visitors to the island. This will improve the visitor experience and will come again to endorse in our culture and, our sun, sand and beach.ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF national PRIVATE SECTOR TOURISM PLANNING PARTNERSHIPAccording to DBJ (2012) public private partnership is a long term procurement contract between the public and private sectors, in which the proficiency of each party is focused i n the designing, financing, building and operating an infrastructure project or providing a service, through the appropriate sharing of resources bump and rewards.There are recently public private partnership for tourism planning between JTB and JHTA. Public private partnership can bring advantage to tourism or disadvantage. However, the partnership between JTB and JHTA has brought advantage to the planning of tourism in Jamaica which is to gain competitive advantage. Competitive advantage is the main advantage of public private partnership in tourism planning. The public sector will transfer their knowledge while the private do the same to create ideas and increase innovation for the destination of Jamaica. JTB and JHTA have created a give away of free rooms which would enable a little competitive edge to attract visitors. The partnership project creates not only a competitive edge but also innovations and new ideas. Another advantage of the PPP is the risk sharing. When problem a rise the party who can best manage this problem, the risk would transfer to that party. Another example of PPP was with Lovers form and Ministry of Tourism which would enable to provide jobs to the community members and involve them in participating in tourism. Private sector provides finance and service, where the public sector depends solely on them. For example NTO and JHTA. The private partner manages complex monetary and technical task while the public sector deals with law and policies. Therefore the combination of the two brings higher(prenominal) value and minimizes cost. PPP share technology that will enable projects to finish faster and reduce delays.On the other hand there are disadvantage that affect both private and public sector and both. Although risks are shared, most of the risk sometimes goes to the private partner and overall the government will be responsible in the final aspect. So we can say that although risks are shared most risk is on the government. The p rojects of public private partnership may take years to finish and this can be an disadvantage for the planning of tourism development. Political problems may arise for example if the government changes and they no daylong want to be involved in that partnership then this cause a problem for the private sector.1 Page
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